Tuesday 30 August 2011

God at the centre

First a quick update:

Well it's all set up and we're ready to go. Contracts have been exchanged here in York, and God has provided an amazing house for us down in Bridgend! We've now booked two vehicles for moving, we started with a 3.5 tonne luton, and have now progressed to a 7.5 tonne truck - thanks to Rachael ;) Moving day is the 09/09/11 and I'll be starting my course 2 weeks today - exciting stuff!

Yesterday was Ben and Hannah's wedding. It was such a faithful service, and you couldn't help but acknowledge the Lords presence in the service and in their union. Later on as we sat at the table during the reception I looked around at all the people there and wondered what the staff at the venue must of thought, and indeed any guests who didn't know the Lords saving power, as grace was said before we ate and as  through each speech that was given, God was given the praise and glory and again God was at the centre. 

I pray that that trend will follow through the rest of Ben and Hannahs life together, as I'm sure it will and that God will use their marriage to bless and challenge others.

It also made me think back to our wedding day, and how excited we were as we set out on this adventure with God as our guide. And although we had always talked about going into 'full time christian service' i think i might have laughed if you had told me that i would one day be training with a view of becoming a Pastor! Its amazing how God works in our lives when we let him, and give over control to him, something which is not always easy to do, and i know i myself have resisted that at times. I wouldn't be able to even think of doing this if I didn't have Rachael to support and challenge me, and God knew that! Thats why he gave her to me! My beautiful bride!

Marriage is a wonderful thing, God truly knew what he was doing when he created it, for as the reading in Ecclesiastes 4 reminded us, everything is better with 2, but it is best with 3! 

I pray that Ben and Hannah enjoy their journey and that they will continue to follow His guiding. And I thank them for a wonderful day, where Christ was put at the centre, which served as a great way for us to see all our friends and family before we leave for Wales, as well as being a fantastic celebration of Ben and Hannah's marriage, and a reflection of Gods love for the Church.

Remember - a threefold cord is not quickly broken!


Wednesday 10 August 2011

2 Timothy 2 v 20-26


Jake's down for a nap, so I get a few precious moments of quiet and can sit down with a hot cuppa.

My post today is very simple. I read some verses today in my quiet time that really challenged me and I wanted to share them. The verses are from 2 Timothy (a letter written by a godly man called Paul to a younger Christian called Timothy), chapter 2 and verses 20-26. I'm reading them from the English Standard Version of the Bible. I hope that they encourage and excite you as much as they have me.

"Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonourable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will."

Have a lovely day!


Tuesday 2 August 2011

"I had a plan."

Rachael's first post! 

A momentous occasion, since a year ago I'm not sure I even knew what 'blogging' was. How things change in a year!

It's not just my grasp of modern technology that has been challenged this year (and Doug would say that my grasp of modern technology is challenging!). When I think back and consider the things that God has been challenging me about, 'control' would be right up there in the top five. Anyone who knows me knows I like plans. I love lists. I appreciate order and structure. I like to feel in control. But it wasn't to be. 

I had an idea that I could write a list, plan a timeline, tackle each task one by one giving each my full and undivided attention and the whole process of selling the house and relocating would be ordered, controlled and peaceful. What I have ended up with instead is a spinning head full of unfinished jobs and worry. Why is that? I feel challenged and draw the conclusion that the problem lies in my desire to try and be in control.

As we take each step along this new and uncharted path I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I am not the one who is in control. You may be laughing as you read that last statement. I feel a little sheepish when I read it back. When I consider everything that has happened over the past few months it seems daft to think that I could have controlled it, or that it was anyone but God in charge. But here I am, still going strong with the lists, still trying to control the outcomes, still struggling to give the details over to God. Doug calls me a "worry bug", which is endearing but probably not something to aspire to! 

Every time I get caught up in stressing about the details and my head starts to spin God brings to my mind something that I read recently in a book called 'Choosing to See' by Mary-Beth Chapman (a book I would recommend if anyone's on the lookout for a good read this summer). She uses the phrase "chin-up!" This phrase has always been one of my personal bug-bares, right up alongside "pull yourself together!" but here it took on new meaning. She tells of how she was walking along a beach feeling full of grief and pain, looking down focusing on each stone and shell she stepped over. When she looked up she realised that the sun had broken through from behind the clouds and that she had been missing a beautiful sight because she was focusing only on what was right in front of her feet. She draws the comparison between this and the details of our lives that keep our eyes down, looking only to what is immediately before us and poses the challenge not to miss out on looking at the Son and seeing His awesome glory. To do that we must keep our chin up. So now, when I get caught up in the details and I start to worry I remember "chin-up!" and try to look to the Lord and His magnificence rather than just seeing the problems. 

I still have a long way to go, but then, this is just the beginning of the journey!


N.B. The book referred to is called 'Choosing to See. A journey of Struggle and Hope' by Mary-Beth Chapman, 2010. Published by Revell.